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Car Query Web App

Screenshot of homepage of Car Query application

Car Query

Car Query is a Next.JS web application utilizing API calls, TypeScript, and Tailwind CSS. The application allows users to search for cars by make, model, and year. Additionally, search functionality is filtered and implemented via HeadlessUI components. This application is fully mobile responsive.

Screenshot of car details page of Car Query application

Car Query - Car Catalogue

The car catalogue allows a filterable search with autocomplete, and two API calls to populate both car details and photos.

Screenshot of car details page of Car Query application

Car Query - Car Details

The car details utilizes a reusable card component, styled with tailwind, that passes data from the API call to populate the card. The card is also mobile responsive.

Mobile screenshot of Car Query application homepage

Car Query - Home Mobile View

Mobile view of homepage.

Mobile screenshot of car catalogue within Car Query application

Car Query - Car Catalogue Mobile

Mobile view of car catalogue.

Mobile screenshot of car details view within Car Query application

Car Query - Car Details Mobile

Mobile view of car details.

Promptopia Web App

Screenshot of homepage of Promptopia web application


Promptopia is a Next.JS web application utilizing GoogleAuth for authentication, tailwind, and MongoDB for the backend. The application allows users to create, edit, and delete prompts for writing inspiration. Users can also search for prompts by username, tag, or prompt content. Addtionally, user's can manage their profile from their respective admin panel. Fully mobile responsive.

Screenshot of Promptopia web application user page

Promptopia - User Page

The user profile page allows users to manage their profile, view their prompts, and delete prompts. The user can also search for prompts by tag, or prompt content.

Screenshot of homepage of Promptopia web application in mobile view

Promptopia - Home Mobile

A mobile view of the homepage of Promptopia web application.

Screenshot of Promptopia web application user page, mobile view

Promptopia - User Page Mobile

A mobile view of the user page within Promptopia web application.
